The Role of Management in Legionella Prevention

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Management Roles in Legionella Prevention in the UK


Preventing Legionella bacteria and Legionnaires' disease is crucial for building and facility managers in the UK.

Key Roles of Management in Legionella Prevention

Conducting Risk Assessments

Risk assessments: Management ensures competent assessment of all water systems, implementing controls like regular monitoring and maintenance to manage Legionella risk effectively.

Providing Resources and Training

Resources and training: Management equips staff with knowledge and resources to understand Legionella risks and prevent its growth, emphasising hygiene practices like hand washing and water system cleaning.

Monitoring and Reporting

Monitoring and reporting: Management oversees regular Legionella bacteria level checks and prompt reporting to detect issues early and notify authorities of any suspected Legionnaires' disease cases.

Ensuring Compliance with Regulations

Compliance with regulations: Management ensures adherence to relevant regulations and guidelines such as COSHH regulations and the HSE Approved Code of Practice, ACOP L8, for effective Legionella prevention.

Effective management roles in Legionella prevention are essential for safeguarding public health and compliance with regulatory requirements in UK buildings and facilities.